
Manufactured in southern Ontario, CleanSmart’s no-rinse, no-residue disinfectant technology kills 99.99% of germs including bacteria, viruses, and fungi using pure and natural ingredients. It kills human coronavirus, listeria, E. coli, Salmonella, Clostridium difficile, and many more. It controls mold, mildew, and athlete’s foot. The active ingredient behind the CleanSmart products is HOCl. After HOCl has completed its task, it breaks down to a saline solution. To learn more about the science behind HOCl, Smarter Solutions recommends this resource, click here.

Commercial Cleaning Solutions

Smarter Solutions has collaborated with various partners to develop a new line of environmentally friendly commercial cleaning products with a focus on high-performance, time-saving formulations. The complete system of products will help our clients reduce labour, product, and the risk associated with many cleaning products.